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Automatically issue certificates

Rainbond currently supports server-side certificate management to support configuring HTTPS access policies.


  1. Purchase or self-sign a certificate for a specified domain name. The certificate must be of a type supported by nginx.

Operating procedures

  1. Go to the Team View/Gateway/Certificate Management page, you can check the added certificate, the expiration time of the certificate and the domain name issued on the page.
  2. Click Add Certificate, upload the purchased or issued certificate, and confirm the addition.
  3. Enter the access policy management. When adding an access policy, select the certificate added in the previous step in the advanced routing parameters to complete the policy addition. It should be noted that the domain name of the policy must match the domain name issued by the certificate.

HTTPS certificate is automatically issued


  • Apply for a certificate automatically
  • Automatic renewal upon expiration
  • DingTalk/Slack notification application status

Configure Rainbond Console Profile

  • Enterprise View > Setting > Automatically Issuing Certificate > Configuring Certificate
#Multiple, split.

Install Certificate Issuance Controller

  • Install the certificate issuance controller from the rainbond community open source store

    Create components based on app marketplaces

    Create an issuance controller

  • Installation environment variable description:

    RAINBOND_OPENAPI_URL Rainbond console access address #must be
    RAINBOND_API_KEY rainbond openapi key #must #personal center > access token > add
    ACME_EMAIL let's encrypt email
    ACME_KEY_TYPE optional, default is RSA4096
    ACME_DIR_URL optional, default is https://acme
    ACME_SRORAGE_PATH optional, used to store authentication information, default /opt/rainbond-cert-controller/storage
    DINGTALK_AK optional, used for nail notification
    DINGTALK_SK optional, used for nail pin notification
  • Modify the required environment variables when done.

Sign the controller with a certificate

  • Reference document Accessing components that provide HTTP services through domain names

    Need to modify the https certificate to:to automatically issue a certificate

    Authentication Configuration:Select the desired configuration

    After waiting for a few seconds, the controller issues the certificate to complete the automatic matching of the certificate.