5.5.0 upgrade to 5.6.0 documentation
version change
Console upgrade
- helm
- Basic Edition
- Execute sql upgrade script
- enter Rainbond-console component
kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get po -n rbd-system | grep rbd-app-ui | grep Running | sed -n '1p ' | awk '{print $1}' ) -n rbd-system bash
- After entering the Rainbond-console component, execute the following command
curl https://rainbond-script.oss-cn-hangzhou .aliyuncs.com/upgrade-5.6.0.sh | bash
- Execute the sql upgrade script
- If the console is allinone started, execute the following operations
docker exec -it rainbond-allinone bash
curl https://rainbond-script.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs. com/upgrade-5.6.0.sh | bash
- If the console is installed through the app market, after entering the Rainbond-console component, execute the following command
curl https://rainbond-script .oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/upgrade-5.6.0.sh | bash
- Upgrade console
- If the console is allinone started, execute the following operations
docker stop rainbond-allinone && docker rm rainbond-allinone
#This command parameter needs to be the same as the rainbond-allinone container started before
docker run -d -p 7070:7070 -v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh -v ~/ rainbonddata:/app/data \
--name=rainbond-allinone --restart=always \
as control To install through the application market, enter the console application and choose to upgrade to version 5.6.0
Data Center Upgrade
- helm
- Basic Edition
If an external database is specified or other parameters are used when helm deploys Rainbond.Then, when executing the following upgrade command, you also need to set the previous parameters through --set.Otherwise the previous configuration will be overwritten.
Another way is to use the grctl command to upgrade.Upgrading with the grctl command avoids this problem.grctl command version is at least v5.8.0-release
data center side upgrade
update mirror source
helm upgrade --set Component.rbd_app_ui.image=registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs. com/goodrain/rainbond:v5.6.0-release-allinone --set operator.image.tag=v2.3.0 --set Cluster.installVersion=v5.6.0-release rainbond rainbond/rainbond-cluster -n rbd-system
` ``
- Confirm pod update status
- Confirm rolling update of all pods, about 3 minutes depending on the network
kubectl get po -n rbd-system
Plugin upgrade
Get image And push it to the private warehouse
docker pull registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/goodrain/rbd-mesh-data-panel:v5.6.0-release
docker tag registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com /goodrain/rbd-mesh-data-panel:v5.6.0-release goodrain.me/rbd-mesh-data-panel:latest
docker push goodrain.me/rbd-mesh-data-panel:latest
docker pull registry. cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/goodrain/rbd-init-probe:v5.6.0-release
docker tag registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/goodrain/rbd-init-probe:v5.6.0-release goodrain.me /rbd-init-probe:latest
docker push goodrain.me/rbd-init-probe:latest
Note:Before pushing the image, you need to log in to the warehouse in advance to avoid the failure of image push
Build a network governance plugin

- Data center upgrade
- update grctl command
docker run -it --rm -v /:/rootfs registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/goodrain/rbd-grctl:v5.6.0- release copy
mv /usr/local/bin/rainbond-grctl /usr/local/bin/grctl && grctl install
Note:If you can't install grctl, you can[参考grctl安装文档](/docs/ops- guide/tools/grctl/)
- Execute upgrade command
grctl cluster upgrade --new-version=v5.6.0-release
- Plugin upgrade
- Get image and push to private repository
docker pull registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/goodrain/rbd-mesh-data-panel:v5.6.0-release
docker tag registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/goodrain/rbd- mesh-data-panel:v5.6.0-release goodrain.me/rbd-mesh-data-panel:latest
docker push goodrain.me/rbd-mesh-data-panel:latest
docker pull registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs .com/goodrain/rbd-init-probe:v5.6.0-release
docker tag registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/goodrain/rbd-init-probe:v5.6.0-release goodrain.me/rbd-init- probe:latest
docker push goodrain.me/rbd-init-probe:latest
Note:Before pushing an image, you need to log in to the warehouse in advance to avoid image push failure.
- Building Network Governance Plugin